Top Data Entry Projects Provider

Most enterprises nowadays are focussing on outsourcing companies as their digital partners. Business Process Outsourcing or BPO companies act as a third party for conveying various kinds of tasks like data entry, technical support, customer service, etc.

Data entry services are one of the highest demanded works in every industry. There is an endless list of such types of companies in the market but only a great insight will help you choose the right one.

Ascent BPO Pvt. Ltd. is India's top data entry project provider. Whether you want manual, AI-generated, or automated data entry work done, Ascent BPO is the one-stop solution.

Trends in Data Entry Industry

With the evolution of industries, data entry tasks are not so simple anymore. Data entry services are becoming complex day by day as all kinds of industries are embracing innovative technologies.

Let’s have a look at what the industrial trends have to say:

Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Redundant and repetitive data entry tasks can be performed by AI and automation. These technologies can help perform data entry tasks without the possibility of errors and with high accuracy. Moreover, tasks like OCR, intelligent data capture, travel scheduling, etc can get better with the help of automated data entry.

Flexibility to work remotely

The advent of innovative techniques has given employees the chance to work from any geographical location and time zone. The companies can hire their employees from across the country as well.

Data Security

Data entry executives should follow strict non-disclosure policies while performing related tasks. This thing creates a sense of security in the partner firm. Their private data remains safe from theft and corruption.

Demands some specialized skills

Data entry does not only involve simply typing textual matter and entering it into the computer. A data entry operator must be skilled enough to analyze wrong grammar and punctuation and avoid typos while entering the given data.

Also, the data entry operators must comply with the industry-specific software and tools for ensuring desired data.

What if you have an in-house data entry team?

Now, you might be thinking, if data entry is revolutionizing every kind of industry, then why not build a separate data entry processes team on your own? But thing things lead to cons more than pros.

There are so many drawbacks that you can get from an in-house data entry team for your enterprise. Let’s discuss some of them:

  • You have to spend some extra bucks to set up a specific office for data entry work.
  •  You have to build a team of specialized data entry officers and for this, you need to hire and invest some of your resources here as well.
  • You have to invest in particular technologies, tools, and software for accomplishing data-entry tasks at your end.

Major Benefits of Hiring Data Entry Project Provider

This industry not only encompasses a single sector, but it gives a great opportunity to work in the healthcare sector, education sector, finance industry, etc. Every industry benefits from an outsourcing data entry project provider:

Acts as an integral part of information management

Most of the time, an enterprise’s database is filled up with errors. So, if you hire a specialized firm for data entry operations, then it is easy to combat data redundancy, repetitiveness, and errors.

Additionally, a partnership with another firm can help you promote good communication and enhance unity as a team.

Improves Business Operations Significantly

Faulty data can lead to the depreciation of the company’s value. According to surveys, 49% of businesses develop better decisions by building and enabling data analytics.

Develop a better customer experience

With the help of outsourcing companies, enterprises get to know about real-time customer experience. Enterprises can observe their complaints, appreciation, and other kinds of feedback easily. Therefore, based on this information, clients can increase their sales and enhance their marketing experience.

Access to skilled professionals without actually hiring them

Enterprises can utilize the talent of skilled data entry professionals without having them on-roll. They do not need to hire them, only a partnership with an outsourcing company can benefit them a lot. Moreover, you don’t need to render data entry training particularly as well.

Saves time and money

By having an outsourcing partner at your back, you can avail of their excellent data-entry services in less time. In addition, you save your hard-earned money by not hiring specialized data entry executives at your end.Top Data Entry Projects Provider

Services Offered at Ascent BPO

Not only your regular data entry tasks, but at Ascent you get so many ways for hassle-free data entering services. They offer numerous kinds of data entry services like:

  • Online Data Entry

In this, data is sourced from online web portals and is processed into some other form as required by the collaborated company.

  • Offline Data Entry

Without any internet, the data is converted from one format to another in this kind of data entry.

  • Survey Data Entry

Data/facts stated in some surveys are entered into the computer system in some systematic format.

  • Image Data Entry

Here, the data is extracted from text-based images and are entered into computer systems.

  • Insurance Claim Data Entry

In insurance claim data entry, details of general, life, and medical insurance are noted accurately to be used for further processes.

  • XML Data Entry

As the name denotes, the files in XML format in the database are converted to regular text format.

  • PDF Data Entry

The data in the PDF format is converted into text format in this data entry method.

  • Excel Data Entry

The data from spreadsheets are converted into regular text here.

  • Handwritten Data Entry

Here, manuscripts or manual data is converted into digital text format.


No doubt that the future is bright in the data entry services field, but one needs to look for the best kind of data entry project provider company that stands out in the industry. It must adhere to data security policies. And should bring accurate results as demanded by you. Just like the Ascent BPO Services Pvt. Ltd. does. It brings you top-notch data entry works curated for you with optimum precision and accuracy.

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